So, it looks like I'm behind the times. Well, that's not entirely true. I've blogged before, but I'm one of those not-so-rare people that can sometimes shrug off said blog due to various reasons - not enough to say, too much to say but not knowing the right way to say it, laziness, researching for impending apocalypse. You know? The usual.
Well, today I start anew. Again.
Part of this is due to seeing some rather fantastic friends of mine blogging, and doing it so incredibly well that they make it look easy and fun to do. I liken this ability to an Olympic athlete who flips or throws himself in the air with such ease that the person watching at home (with little to no athletic experience, mind you) decides, "Hey, I can do that!" Of course, the result of his attempts undoubtedly end in a hospital stay and numerous broken bones. I don't think this will end the same way, but I am happy I have health insurance... just in case.
That being said, I would also like to mention this may be an attempt to sometimes relieve myself of writer's block. For anyone out there in the internet aether, I am attempting to write a book. One actually worth reading. This is, of course, easier said than done.
I will also mention that this is not my only way of trying to relieve writer's block, or just bring about inspiration. I am willing to share with the internet that I, embarrassingly enough, like to pace around with my iPod in a dark room (no distractions) to try and get ideas. Sometimes it works, and sometimes my mind just wanders to general silliness and I make myself giggle while Pandora plays Bruno Mars.
So, my fellow aether dwellers, do any of you have a weird way that you deal with writer's block?